The Technical and Freight Planning (T&FP) Unit manages freight planning efforts, including maintaining and guiding implementation of the New Mexico State Freight Plan, and coordinating with freight partners;

maintains roadway classification systems, including the Functional Classification System, National Highway System (NHS), and freight-specific classifications; and provides technical support including maintenance of the New Mexico Statewide Travel Demand Model (NMSTDM).

Joseph Moriarty, Technical and Freight Planning Supervisor

David Nelson, Travel Demand Modeler

Nathan Wagliardo, Technical and Freight Planner/Roadway Classification Manager




2045 New Mexico Freight Plan

The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) updated the New Mexico Freight Plan in 2023, with input and guidance from the Freight Advisory Committee and other statewide planning partners. With this plan, NMDOT re-established the vision of how New Mexico maintains and improves the condition and performance of the multimodal freight network in the state. For more information see the link below.

2045 New Mexico Freight Plan Update with FIP Amendment 2

New Mexico Travel Demand Modeling

Travel Demand Modeling

The Technical and Freight Planning (TFP) section maintains and operates the New Mexico Statewide Travel Demand Model (NMSTDM). The primary purpose of this modeling tool is to assist decision makers in determining whether proposed projects are scaled appropriately for the needs of the travelling public, and where resources can best be directed for cost effective outcomes. TFP produces modeling for engineers and planners at NMDOT, contractors working for the State of New Mexico, and professionals from Tribal and Local Public agencies.

The NMSTDM produces data by estimating and forecasting Traffic Volumes, Volume to Capacity ratios (V/C), Traffic Speed, Vehicle Hours Travelled (VHT), and Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) for passenger and freight vehicles. Additional data may be generated based on the specifics of a model run request.

Data are produced for the model base year (2023), and in selected future years (2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 or 2050) to forecast changes in travel demand over time. However, the model road network used by the NMSTDM is a subset of the entire New Mexico road network. While it includes all major and most mid-sized roads, low volume local roads are represented to a lesser degree in the model network.

A primary feature of the NMSTDM is that it allows planners and engineers to model alternative project scenarios. This provides a contrast between expected travel demand in a given year and how demand may be different if a project is implemented. This is accomplished by comparing model results of a No-Build scenario to a Build scenario. Typical modelling scenarios involve adding or removing a roadway facility, or changing the speed, capacity and/or access of road facilities. There may be multiple Build scenarios (or alternatives) associated with a potential project. The Modeler will work with the client to determine which scenarios are best for modeling.

Data sources that were used for this work include roadway network and traffic count data produced by the NMDOT Data Management Bureau, big travel data from commercial vendors, and socio-economic data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

How to Request Modeling from NMDOT

If you would like to request travel demand model data from NMDOT, contact the Travel Demand Modeler at to receive a Travel Demand Model Data Request Form with Instructions. The Travel Demand Modeler is also available for questions and assistance by email and by phone at (505) 365-3583.

Request for Change of Roadway Functional Classification

Instructions & Change Request Forms

Requests for change to a roadway’s functional classification must originate from the tribal or local public agency (T/LPA) that owns the roadway. In the case of state-owned roadways, the request must originate from the NMDOT District that the roadway is within.

If you are a T/LPA or NMDOT District staff member who would like to request a change to a roadway’s functional classification, use the form below:

Functional Classification Change Request, Part 1

Once submitted to NMDOT’s Functional Classification Manager, Part 1 of the request will be approved or denied based on the information provided in supporting documentation. Refer to the following guidance documents for information about factors that can justify a change of functional classification:

After approval by the NMDOT Functional Classification Manager, Part 1 of the request and all supporting documents will be forwarded to the respective MPO or RTPO for the area in question. MPOs/RTPOs must approve the requested change using the form below:

Functional Classification Change Request, Part 2

Following approval by NMDOT’s Functional Classification Manager and the appropriate MPO/RTPO, the requested change must also be approved by the FHWA-NM Division Office.

Truck Parking Study

Truck Parking Study

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) mandates that states conduct a Commercial Motor Vehicle Parking Facilities Assessment as part of a State Freight Plan.  (See 49 USC Section 70202).   This is important since having an IIJA compliant State Freight Plan is a prerequisite for NMDOT to program National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) funds. 

To comply with this requirement, the Planning Division has engaged Cambridge Systematics to conduct a statewide Truck Parking Survey and Analysis Project.  The focus of the project will be the Primary Highway Freight System (I-10, I-25, I-40, and NM 136) and other areas of the state where there is significant demand for truck parking.  This includes both designated and undesignated truck parking locations. The project is intended to address these new IIJA requirements: 

  1. The capability of the State, together with the private sector in the State, to provide adequate parking facilities and rest facilities for commercial motor vehicles engaged in interstate transportation.
  2. The volume of commercial motor vehicle traffic in the State; and
  3. Whether there exist any areas within the State with a shortage of adequate commercial motor vehicle parking facilities, including an analysis (economic or otherwise, as the State determines to be appropriate) of the underlying causes of such a shortage.

Below are documents produced by the consultant team for the study thus far. Final documents related to the study will be posted on this webpage once they are completed.

1-Project Management Plan

2-Stakeholder Engagement Plan

3-Literature Review & Best Practices

4-Freight Activity Evaluation

5-Truck Parking Supply & Demand


New Mexico Freight Maps

State Functional Classification System

State Functional System Map (Dynamic online map)