Data Management Bureau

The Data Management Bureau is part of the Planning Division, and provides planning and engineering data to NMDOT staff, FHWA, government, businesses, and the public.

The Data Managment Bureau oversees the Traffic Monitoring Program and the Roadway Inventory Program.


John Baker
Data Management Bureau Chief
Roadway Inventory Program & LRS Manager
Phone: 505-795-2125

A photo of the freeway with the mountains in the background

NMDOT Traffic Monitoring Program

Traffic Count Inquiries

Please submit all traffic count inquiries to:

To download the Traffic Monitoring Data Request Form “right-click” on the link and chose the option “Save Target As…” This option lets you save the file before filling it out and submitting completed form via email to Email completed request for to

The following Products & Services are managed, maintained and updated by the Traffic Monitoring section:

  • Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)
  • Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic (AADTT)
  • Future AADT
  • Annual Adjustment Factors
  • Annual Comparisons by Functional Classification
  • Axle Correction Factors
  • Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled Reports
  • FHWA Vehicle Classification Scheme F Report
  • Hourly Percentage by Vehicle Type
  • K&D Factors
  • Seasonal Adjustment Factors

Related Links

NMDOT relies on accurate and quality traffic data to support its planning, engineering and operation activities.

Traffic Monitoring is responsible for programming, collecting, analyzing and reporting traffic monitoring data for FHWA’s Functional Classes 1 thru 6 urban in New Mexico. We are also participating in a pilot project to estimate Functional Classes 6 rural and 7. NMDOT collects traffic data internally, by contract, and in partnership with local entities in New Mexico. The Traffic Monitoring Program is responsible for ensuring all traffic counts collected and shared with NMDOT meet our quality standards. Traffic monitoring data includes vehicle volume, vehicle classification, vehicle speed and vehicle weight. Data is collected using manual counts, portable counters (road tube and radar) and permanent counters (Continuous Count Stations (CCS) and Weigh-in Motion (WIM) stations).

NMDOT uses MS2 to store all its traffic monitoring data. The web-based interactive software is available to the general public and is a helpful tool for viewing and downloading traffic count data including traffic volume, vehicle classification, vehicles speeds and vehicle weights. Not all data is available for each traffic section. Please refer to the User Info Sheet for tips on navigating the system.  Within the User Info Sheet, you will find a link for the MS2 website.


Mark Rios, Traffic Monitoring Administrator
Phone: 505-629-6947

Roadway Inventory Program

The Roadway Inventory Program is responsible for maintaining and updating the Road Inventory System (RIS) database. This database consists of the NMDOT’s Linear Reference System (LRS) and, data items necessary for yearly Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) reporting requirements. The Roadway Inventory Program is also responsible for collecting and housing many of the Model Inventory Roadway Elements (MIRE). The Roadway Inventory Program responds to both internal and external data requests.

Data requests can be sent via email to or



Ana Gallant, Roadway Inventory Program Staff Manager

Christian Ovalle, HPMS Coordinator

Roadway Inventory System

The NMDOT uses Esri’s Roads and Highways ArcMap module as its database of record for housing the Linear Reference System (LRS). A Linear Reference System is a method of spatial referencing, in which the locations of physical features along a linear element (such as a road) are described in terms of measurements from a fixed point, such as mile post “0”. Each feature is located by either a point (e.g., a stop sign) or a line (e.g., a no-passing zone).

NMDOT’s current LRS is modeled after the All Roads Network Of Linear Referenced Data ARNOLD mandated by FHWA. This requires that all roads in the state that are open to the public be included in the LRS.

Data Dictionary/Metadata


Legal Route Descriptions (2020)

Dust Storm

Highway Performance Monitoring System

The HPMS was first developed in 1978 and is mandated by Congress in 23 USC 502(h).

The current HPMS Field Manual, known as HPMS 8.0 (December 2016), provides more detailed information.  A new Field Guide, known as HPMS 9.0 is currently in Draft status.

FHWA periodically updates their website with HPMS data from the many states:

Download HPMS Shapefile Format for years 2011-2017 (FHWA)

2018 HPMS ArcGIS WebMap (FHWA)

Key HPMS Reports

Extent & Travel reports (Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled)

Pavement Report Cards

HPMS Scorecards