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¿Qué Pasa? Newsletter

I-25 Improved Project: NMDOT has initiated the I-25 Improved: Comanche to Montgomery project, a $268 million endeavor aimed at enhancing safety and reducing congestion in Albuquerque. Scheduled for completion by Spring...

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Name a snowplow voting is now live

SANTA FE — The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) launched the snowplow naming contest for its second year, and now we’re inviting New Mexicans to vote on their favorite names. Voting is open and will...

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NMDOT launches new electronic permitting system

SANTA FE, NM - The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) is pleased to announce the launch of a new electronic permitting system, NMDOT Permitting. This system is designed to transform the permitting process,...

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