Active Projects & Public Involvement Opportunities
The NMDOT offers many opportunities for citizens to learn about and to share comments on transportation projects and issues. For details on a particular meeting, please contact the NMDOT District Office nearest the location or visit the Public Involvement Calendar.
The Department of Transportation is soliciting applications for Planning Funds to be used along the I-10 and I-40 corridors. Click here for more info!
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Highlighted Projects and Programs
Interactive Active Projects Map
Study and Design Phase Projects
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Construction Phase Projects
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Highlighted Projects and Programs

Status: Study & Design
I-40 Corridor Study (CN 6101580) – The I-40 Corridor Study study assessed 150-miles of I-40 and alternate routes between mileposts 0 and 150. This Study documents the process used to identify the preferred alternative for needed improvements to the I-40 corridor.

Status: Study & Design
US 550 Wildlife Crossing Project (CN 9901210) – This project aims to improve connectivity for wildlife habitats along a 16-mile segment of US 550. The project is divided into four phases, and currently, Phases 1 and 2 are in the design development stage.

Status: Study & Design
I-25 S-Curve Area Study (CN A302370) – The NMDOT is conducting a Phase B Study along I-25 in the S-Curve area in Albuquerque to explore a transportation solution to improve safety and mobility between Avenida Cesar Chavez (Exit 223) and Lomas Boulevard (Exit 225).

Status: Study & Design
I-25 Gibson Interchange Reconstruction Project (CN A301890) – The NMDOT is designing transportation improvements to I-25 at the Gibson Blvd interchange and between Sunport Boulevard and Avenida Cesar Chavez in Albuquerque. Improvements will enhance safety and improve efficiency for all modes.

Status: Construction
I-25 Improved | Comanche to Montgomery (CN A301901) – The NMDOT is improving the I-25 corridor in Albuquerque, between Comanche Road and Montgomery Boulevard, including the freeway, frontage roads, and interchanges. Final project design and construction are anticipated to begin in 2024.

Status: Study & Design
Border Highway Connector Study (CN E100390) – The study phase has been completed and preliminary design development is underway for an alignment identified for a new east/west corridor between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park/El Paso.

Status: Study & Design
Paseo del Volcan (NM 347) Road Extension Study (CN A301573) – The current study will identify and evaluate alignments, typical sections (lane and shoulder configuration), and intersection alternatives as well as the need for and location of pedestrian and bicycle facilities within the previously identified corridor.

Status: Study & Design
U.S. 60 Socorro Study (CN 1102050) – The purpose of the study is to evaluate the condition of roadway, traffic, and drainage and assess the features against current standards to determine whether improvements are needed to enhance safety, operations, and multimodal accessibility in the study area.

Status: Study & Design
NM 136 Interchange Feasibility Study (CN E100430) – NMDOT is conducting an interchange feasibility study on NM 136 between milepost 0.0 (near the US/Mexico border) and 9.0 (NM/TX state line).

Status: Study & Design
I-40 Miyamura Interchange Study (CN 6101320) – The purpose of the study is to address deficiencies by improving traffic operations and safety of the interchange.

Status: Study & Design
NM 264 Alignment Study (CN 6101220) – A study is being conducted for NM 264 between mileposts 0 and 16. The purpose is to document existing conditions and develop highway improvement alternatives for the corridor.

Status: Study & Design
I-40 Manuelito Interchange Study (CN 6101600) – The purpose of the study is to evaluate the existing conditions and develop alternatives that can address improvement needs in the area.

Status: Study & Design
I-25 Safety and Capacity Study between Lohman and Doña Ana Interchanges and NM 320 (Thorpe Road) (CN LC00380) – The purpose of the study is to address safety and capacity needs, including deficiencies with pavement, geometry, access control, drainage management, and Americans with Disability Act facilities.

Status: Study & Design
US 60 Alignment Study Ft. Sumner to Clovis (CN 2104660) – A study on US 60 between Ft. Sumner and Clovis will examine needed improvements, including upgrading the existing roadway with passing lanes and other safety enhancements, Americans with Disability Act facilities, drainage improvements, roadway lighting, and signals.

Status: Study & Design
NM 118 Study from Defiance Draw to Rehoboth Dr. (CN 61014000) – A study is being conducted for NM 118 between mileposts 11 and 27. The purpose is to document existing conditions and develop improvement alternatives for the corridor.

Status: Study & Design
I-25 Escondida Interchange Study (CN 1102060) – The NMDOT is conducting a study to evaluate the interchange in Escondida (I-25 Exit 152). This study will analyze various alternatives and analyze the possible extension of frontage roads 2039 and 2040 to the Escondida interchange.

Status: Study & Design
US 380 Phase A/B Study, Roswell to Texas state line (CN 2100740) – A corridor study has been completed that considered roadway improvements to US 380 between Roswell and the Texas state line in southeastern New Mexico. Proposed improvements will include the addition of passing lanes every 7 to 10 miles in each direction by widening the existing roadway, intersection improvements at nine major intersections, and upgrading guardrail and existing pavement conditions.

Status: Study & Design
I-25 San Antonio Interchange Study (CN 1102060) – The NMDOT is conducting a study on the I-25 Interchange at US 380 located 0.5 miles west of San Antonio, NM between mileposts 139 and 140.

Status: Special Program
NM Wildlife Corridors Action Plan – New Mexico took an important step to ensure that wildlife species and the connectivity of their habitats are best protected with the passage of the 2019 NM Wildlife Corridors Act. The NM Wildlife Corridors Action Plan was developed jointly by the NMDOT, the NMDGF, and a research team.

Status: Special Program
Dust Storm Mitigation – NMDOT Environmental, with support from the Federal Highway Administration, is currently working to mitigate point sources of dust in southwest New Mexico affecting operations on I-10 and U.S. 180.

Status: Study & Design
NM 68 Roadway Improvement Project – Phases 1, 2, & 3 (CN 5101460) – A study was completed for the NM 68 corridor in Española between US 84/285 and just north of the Po’Pay Ave intersection in June 2023. The corridor was divided into three phases for design development and construction.

Status: Study & Design
US 60 Mountainair Study (CN 5101350) – A study on US 60 in the Village of Mountainair is underway. Visit the website to learn more about recommended alternatives and to review the supporting documentation.

Status: Study & Design
NM 17 and US 64 Chama Alignment Study (CN 5100830) – This Study will evaluate intersection and roadway improvements, Americans with Disabilities Act improvements, provision of pedestrian facilities and lighting, drainage improvements, bridge preservation, railroad crossing modifications, signing and striping, and associated work.