Impaired Driving/DWI Programs
New Mexico’s Traffic Safety Division (TSD) utilizes a performance-based, evidenced-based, data-driven enforcement program designed to influence impaired driving behavior and reduce impaired driving (alcohol and drug) crashes, fatalities and injuries.
Impaired driving enforcement operations involve State, city, county and tribal law enforcement agencies and are coordinated with high-visibility media and public awareness activities. The TSD manages and provides funding for numerous programs and projects focused on individual and multi-agency DWI enforcement and intervention efforts, and on comprehensive awareness and prevention activities.
Amber Montoya, Staff Manager
Program Managers
District 1 |
District 2 Avalon Gabaldon 505-660-8103 |
District 3 Vacant |
District 4 & 6 Steve Lujan 505-709-7861 |
District 5 John Vargas 505-231-6784 |
Safer New Mexico Now Eileen Rios 505-471-2239 |
Law Enforcement Liaisons (LELs)
TSD funds three full-time positions (law enforcement liaisons – LELs) to provide statewide coordination of State and National traffic safety enforcement initiatives between the TSD and local, county, State and tribal law enforcement agencies.
Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutors (TSRP)
TSD providing funds for Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutors (TSRP) to train law enforcement, prosecutors, and others involved with prosecuting or managing DWI cases and to provide education on DWI issues including arrest, adjudication, sentencing, screening, treatment, ignition interlock requirements and new developments in the relevant laws
Brett M. Barnes
Administrative License Revocation Hearings
Larissa Breen
DWI Training
TSD-funded training, including Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST), Drug Recognition Expert (DRE), DWI Checkpoints, and Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) is available to law enforcement officers at low or no cost.
Injury Prevention Resource Center (educational materials)
Provides funds for Injury Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) educational materials for NMDOT/TSD programs including Impaired Driving, Occupant Protection, Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety, Motorcycle Safety and Driver Education and Safety.
- Click here to order DWI materials.
Community DWI (CDWI)
TSD Provides funds to cities or counties for alcohol-related prevention, enforcement, public information/ education and offender projects. State funds come from a $75.00 fee imposed on convicted drunk drivers.
- Manual
ENDWI is a NMDOT-sponsored website which provides information regarding DWI laws and penalties, State initiatives, SafeRides, the Drunk Buster Hotline and on-going media campaigns. The ENDWI website contains links to the BKLUP and DNTXT websites that highlight similar information about relevant laws and penalties, awareness campaigns and safety information.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Court Monitoring Program
TSD funds a contract to gather information and provide a monitoring report to the NMDOT/TSD on a minimum of 250 impaired driving court cases during the year using a court monitoring information storage system. The cases are primarily from courts in Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Doña Ana, McKinley San Juan and Rio Arriba counties.
Katrina Latka, State Executive Director
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
505-255-2955 x3551 direct
Zero Proof
Prevention and educational messages communicated through a variety of venues are especially important in reaching youths under age 21. NMDOT supports a comprehensive program focused on reducing and preventing underage drinking, and drinking and driving. One component is a NMDOT sponsored website – – that provides information for young people about how alcohol affects brain function and how alcohol use can negatively affect their lives; advice on how to say no when friends are encouraging them to drink or how to deal with friends who have drank too much; and on how to keep a friend from drinking and driving. The website also has information and advice for parents and teachers on how to help kids to not drink and to understand the dangers of alcohol use.