Transit Bureau
The Transit Bureau at NMDOT
- Manages the NMDOT Park and Ride intercity bus service.
- Administers federal transit grant funding and programs, and provides technical and coordination assistance to public and private non-profit public transit systems.
- Administers federal transit grants used by the state’s larger municipalities for public transit-related programs.
- Administers federal transit planning grants to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (Metropolitan Planning Program – Section 5303) and Statewide (Section 5304).
- Administers flexible Federal Highway Administration funds used for transit purposes.
- Assists local governments to establish Regional Transit Districts (RTDs) and then assists the RTDs to plan, coordinate and implement service.
Kevin Olinger, Transit Bureau Chief
Deborah Bach, Rural Transit Programs Manager
Delilah Garcia, Transit Planning and Service Coordination Manager
Best Practices for Rural Microtransit report now available. This study provides measurable demographic and economic criteria to help decide what level of transit service is most appropriate in rural New Mexico communities. Click here for an interactive map to measure microtransit propensity in a defined area.
The draft Connect New Mexico: Statewide Public Transportation Plan is now available for public comment! Comments will be accepted through March 3, 2025. To send a comment, please email Delilah Garcia at
NMDOT Transit & Rail Division
Transit Provider Resources
- FY 2025 FTA Section 5310 5311 5339 Budget Awards
- FY 2024 FTA Section 5310 5311 5339 Budget Awards
- FY 2023 FTA Section 5310 5311 5339 Budget Awards
- FY 2022 FTA Section 5310 5311 5339 CARES Act and ARP Act Budget Awards
- FY 2021 FTA Section 5310 5311 5311 CARES Act and 5339 Budget Awards
- FY 2020 FTA Section 5310 and 5311 Budget Awards
- FY 2019 FTA Section 5310 and 5311 Budget Awards
- FY 2018 FTA Section 5310 and 5311 Budget Awards
- FY 2017 FTA Section 5310 and 5311 Budget Awards
- FY 2016 FTA Section 5310 and 5311 Budget Awards
- FY 2015 FTA Section 5310 and 5311 Budget Awards
- FY 2014 FTA Section 5310 and 5311 Budget Awards
- FY 2013 FTA Section 5310 5311 5316 5317 Budget Awards
- FY 2012 FTA Section 5310 5311 5316 5317 Budget Awards
Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plans
2024-2027 Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plans are now available.
Vehicle Procurement
For information on vehicle procurement, please contact NMDOT Transit Bureau staff above.
Non-discrimination, ADA and Title VI Information
Federal Transit Administration Legislation, Regulations and Guidance
Safety Resources
- Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Plan (SSEPP) Template (Microsoft Word document will download)
- Transit Operating Procedures for Safety and Security (TOPSS) (pdf)
- FTA Presentation on Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans (August 2024) (pdf)
- Safety Management Systems (SMS) Orientation (mp4)
- SMS Safety Risk Management Orientation for Urban Transit (mp4)
- SMS Safety Assurance Orientation for Urban Transit (mp4)
- Handling Conflict and De-escalation Skills for Transit Drivers and Supervisors (mp4)
- Transit Systems Crisis Response (mp4)
- Crisis Management for Transit Drivers, Operators, Supervisors, Dispatchers, and Trainers (mp4)
- Positive Safety Culture and Safety Management Orientation for Management and Supervisors (mp4)
- Positive Safety Culture Orientation for Transit Drivers and Mechanics (mp4)
Transit Asset Management
Transit Grant Application Resources
Application Guides for Federal FY 2026
Regional Prioritization Evaluation Measures/Criteria
FY 2026 Application Notice of Letter of Intent
Additional Resources
- BlackCat (electronic grants management system)
- Comprehensive Guide on Transportation for Seniors