Traffic Records
The Traffic Records Section is responsible for processing of motor vehicle crash reports received from New Mexico law enforcement agencies for crashes occurring on public roadways.
Crashes that result in injury to or the death of a person or damage to property of $500 or more are data entered and tabulated for publication of annual crash statistics for the State. Traffic Records also oversees the federal reporting of fatal crash data.
Traffic Records maintains a statewide database for reportable motor vehicle traffic crashes. In addition to the annual reports, publicly available crash data may be requested by completing and submitting an online request form.
Cora Anaya, Traffic Records Manager
Mariana Santiesteban, Crash Records Supervisor
Traffic Records/Uniform Crash Report
- New Mexico State Traffic Records System (NMSTRS)
- Crash Data Reports – Available publications include State, county and city-level statistical reports and monthly fatality numbers.
- Crash Data Request
- NM Uniform Crash Report Form for Law Enforcement
- NM Uniform Crash Report Manual for Law Enforcement