Multimodal Planning and Programs Bureau

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The Multimodal Planning and Programs Bureau (MPPB) responsible for developing the State Freight Plan, NMDOT’s Public Involvement Plan (PIP), the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), and various other plans.

Further the Bureau ensures compliance with federal and state planning regulations for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and, for the non-metropolitan consultation process, through working with Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs). The Bureau oversees the Bicycle/Pedestrian/Equestrian (BPE) Program, Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Recreational Trails Program (RTP), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) and Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), as well as projects previously funded through the Safe Routes to School and Scenic Byways programs. Additionally, the Bureau develops and maintains the New Mexico Statewide Travel Demand Model and the functional classification system. The Bureau’s activities and projects are included in the Planning Division’s Planning Work Program.

Rosa Kozub, AICP, Multimodal Planning and Programs Bureau Chief

Highlighted Projects

Annually over a thousand people suffered serious injuries on New Mexico public roads between 2015 and 2019. Furthermore, New Mexico has the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities nationally and among the top five states for pedestrian fatalities between 2010 and 2019. Mitigating these challenges is the driving force behind helping New Mexico communities address transportation safety issues. NMDOT views Transportation Safety Plans as foundations for communities to address transportation safety challenges, as well as to pursue funding opportunities at the federal, state, regional, and local levels. The Multimodal Planning and Programs Bureau (MPPB), through collaborative local and regional planning partnerships, works to improve transportation safety, reliability, and transportation options for all roadway users. This section highlights recently completed projects.

The Gallup Area Transportation Safety Plan (2019), the Española Fairview Corridor Safety Improvement Plan (2020), Madrid Transportation Safety Plan (2021), and the Truth or Consequences Multimodal Transportation Safety Plan (2021) were developed as part of the NMDOT Regional Transportation Safety Plan Program. Each plan addresses community specific transportation and mobility safety issues. These communities were interested in working with the NMDOT to assess and develop a plan to help make their communities safer for all roadway users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and drivers. These plans used a data-driven approach and local and regional stakeholder engagement to understand the unique transportation and mobility safety issues confronting each community. The plans recommend community-specific solutions and implementation programs. Below are links to each plan document.

Gallup Area Transportation Safety Plan (2019)
Gallup Area Transportation Safety Plan appendices
City of Española Fairview Lane Corridor Safety Improvement Plan Final Report (2019)
Madrid Transportation Safety Plan (2021)
Truth or Consequences Multimodal Transportation Safety Plan (2021)

To meet the requirements of 23 USC 175(d)(1) and advance the goals of Governor Lujan-Grisham’s Executive Order 2019-003 “On Addressing Climate Change and Energy Waste Prevention,” NMDOT developed and adopted a State Carbon Reduction Strategy. The Carbon Reduction Strategy supports NMDOT’s efforts to reduce transportation emissions and identify projects and strategies to reduce those emissions. The Strategy was developed in coordination with the state’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Regional Transportation Planning Organizations.

NMDOT Carbon Reduction Strategy