Police Traffic Services
Enforcement of traffic law violations is essential to improving overall safety on roadways and reducing crashes.
New Mexico uses high-visibility enforcement and media to focus on violators of traffic safety laws including speeding, alcohol/impaired driving, occupant protection use, use of cell phones for calling or texting, and other violations. These efforts have been shown to result in reduced crashes, fatalities and injuries, and reduced numbers of repeat violations. If the public know about and see law enforcement on the streets, they are more likely to be aware of their driving behavior.
Amber Montoya, Staff Manager
Program Managers
District 1 Sonya Dalton 505-531-7672 sonya.dalton@dot.nm.gov |
District 2 Avalon Gabaldon 505-660-8103 avalon.wright2@dot.nm.gov |
District 3 Vacant |
District 4 & 6 Steve Lujan 505-709-7861 steve.lujan@dot.nm.gov |
District 5 John Vargas 505-231-6784 john.vargas2@dot.nm.gov |
Safer New Mexico Now Eileen Rios 505-471-2239 eileenrios@safernm.org |
To ensure law enforcement officers have access to essential training, TSD contracts to provide trainings, including STEP, SFST, Police Officer as Prosecutor, Management of Police Traffic Services, impaired driving checkpoints and accident reconstruction. Also provided are radar and lidar certification and instructor courses, and public information and media workshops.
Education and Enforcement (E&E) Program
Education and Enforcement funds are State funds authorized by State Statute 66-7-512 and by Regulation Part 2, to institute and promote statewide traffic safety programs. Funds are used for law enforcement overtime, commodities, education, training and program administration.