Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

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  3. Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Bureau is responsible for developing the four-year, fiscally constrained, list of federally funded and regionally significant projects called the STIP.

The STIP is created through a cooperative and comprehensive process that incorporates federally required Performance Measures (PMs), the seven National Planning Goals, and aligns with the NMDOT’s Long Range Planning document to choose projects that support the vision of the Department and address the multimodal needs of New Mexico’s transportation customers. The State’s six-year transportation preservation and capital improvement program identifies multi-modal transportation projects that use Federal, State, and local government transportation funds. It includes projects of regional significance (projects with high public interest or air quality impacts) and projects in the National Parks, National Forests, and Indian Reservations.

Jolene Herrera, STIP Bureau Chief
(575) 202-4698 

Manuel Chavez, STIP Liaison Supervisor
Districts 4 & 5, Santa Fe & Farmington MPOs
(505) 660-0013

April Rodriguez, STIP Liaison
Districts 3 & 6, Mid-Region MPO
(505) 476-9029

Veronica “Pennie” Libian, STIP Liaison
Districts 1 & 2, Mesilla Valley, and El Paso MPOs
(505) 819-1968  

Camille Rodriguez, STIP-Design Staff Manager
Consultant Design Budget Manager
(505) 467-9125 

Estevan Sanchez, STIP-Design Analyst
Consultant Design Obligation/Invoice Reconciliation
(505) 216-8661 

Kelly Coriz, STIP-Design Analyst
Consultant Design Obligation/Invoice Reconciliation
(505) 490-1754 

Jacob Romero
Consultant Design Invoice Payments
(505) 699-8271

Alyssa Pincheira-Sandoval
Consultant Design Invoice Payments
(505) 231-9931

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