Drainage Design Bureau
The Drainage Design Bureau provides analysis and design of safe, efficient, economical, and environmentally sensitive drainage facilities for NMDOT transportation projects.
The Bureau supports project development efforts of the Districts and Design Regions with technical expertise in hydrology and hydraulics of structures including bridges, culverts, urban drainage and storm drains, and erosion and scour mitigation. The ultimate goal is to ensure economic design, constructability, and sustainability of NMDOT drainage structures.
Steven Morgenstern, Drainage Design Bureau Chief
Attention: Drainage Design Bureau, Room 219
1120 Cerrillos Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87505-7500

Culvert Asset Management Program (CAMP)
CAMP is a statewide Drainage Design Bureau (DDB) initiative to inventory and assess the location, size, and condition of NMDOT’s culvert assets.

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program
NMDOT is a permittee in the EPA’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. Please contact Antonio Griego for any questions or issues related to the MS4 program.
Antonio Griego, MS4 Program Manager
Environmental Publications