Fleet Management Bureau
Fleet Management's Mission:
to provide the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) with efficient and effective fleet services by providing safe, reliable and economical equipment; and to provide related support services that are responsive to the needs of our customers while conserving vehicle value and optimizing our equipment investment.
Fleet Management allows organizations to capture and analyze all costs associated with owning and operating a fleet of vehicles, including equipment tracking, work order processing, preventive maintenance scheduling, part and fuel inventory and vehicle component warranty costs. Fleet Management allows users to improve the productivity of fleet while lowering costs and extending the useful lift of vehicles.
The NMDOT manages nearly 6,500 equipment units. The fleet consists of both light-duty automotive and heavy-duty maintenance equipment with an approximate asset value of $250 million. NMDOT is also responsible for the disposition of assets in regards to fleet equipment.
Disposal of public property is governed by the Procurement Code, Sections 13-1-28 through 13-1-99, NMSA 1978; Sections 13-6-1 through 13-6-4, NMSA 1978; Sections 15-4-2 and 15-4-3, NMSA 1978; and GSD Rule 93-601. Within the NMDOT, disposal of public property, including automotive and major road equipment, is governed by Administrative Directive 302 and Section II A.6 of the Procurement Procedures Guide.
The NMDOT disposes of surplus automotive and major road equipment annually. Sale of such equipment to public entities and at public auction is the primary method of disposal. Surplus equipment is hereby defined as equipment no longer needed by the Department due to replacement with a new unit or simply because it has exceeded its useful life.
Equipment lists may be posted one week prior to each sale at the discretion of the NMDOT.
John Kraul, Fleet Management Bureau Chief
Office: 505-827-5661
Cell: 505-490-1660
1250 Alta Vista, SB-2
Santa Fe, NM 87504