Tribal/Local Public Agency (T/LPA) Funding Resources

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  5. Tribal/Local Public Agency (T/LPA) Funding Resources


Transportation Project Fund (TPF), Local Government Road Fund (LGRF): Project Oversight Division | NMDOT

Transportation Alternative program (TAP), Recreational Trails Program (RTP): Active Transportation and Recreational Programs | NMDOT

Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Improvements Program (CMAQ), Carbon Reduction Program (CRP): Research and Climate Bureau | NMDOT

HSIP: Highway Safety Improvement Program | NMDOT

Que Linda: ¿Que Linda? | NMDOT

Indian Affairs

Economic Development Department

Additional Resources for Entities

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)/ Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs)

Government to Government (MPO and RTPO) | NMDOT

NM Match Fund

New Mexico Match Fund | New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration

T/LPA Certification and Requirements

T/LPA Documents and Information | NMDOT


Angelica Trujillo, Tribal Liaison