Welcome to the New Mexico Transportation Regulation Adjudication (TRA) Unit.
The TRA Unit is responsible for conducting hearings related to the Motor Carrier Act, Sections 65-2A-1 to -41 NMSA 1978, the Ambulance Standards Act, Sections 65-6-1 to -6 NMSA 1978, the Transportation Network Company Services Act, Sections 65-7-1 to -22 NMSA 1978, the Motor Carrier Rules,18.3.1-15 NMAC, and the Transportation Network Companies Rules, 18.7.1 NMAC.
To request a hearing for an action taken pursuant to the above-referenced statutes and regulations, please complete the TRA Request for Hearing form and follow the prompts to submit.
Please review and comply with the requirements for hearings at 18.9.1 NMAC, particularly and NMAC.
PLEASE NOTE: Â To object to or protest any application or amendment to a certificate or warrant, the Request for Hearing must be submitted within twenty (20) calendar days of the notice date.
For all other hearings, the Request for Hearing must be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days of the notice date.
Deadlines for filing the Request for Hearing are listed in (B) NMAC and failure to comply with the deadlines will result in denial of the request.
IMPORTANT:Â Your Request for Hearing will not be scheduled until payment of the required fee identified in 18.3.5 NMAC.
All records submitted, created, or held by the NMDOT and the TRA are subject to public disclosure with limited exceptions. It is your responsibility to ensure that all confidential information not vital to a determination of the issues is redacted prior to filing. NMAC.
Your Request for Hearing may be rejected if the issues are unripe or moot, if the NMDOT lacks jurisdiction, if the hearing is discretionary and deemed unnecessary, or if the request is untimely or substantively insufficient. NMAC.
If you have trouble filling out the form, please contact dot.tra@dot.nm.gov
Hearing Schedule
*Â YouTube links will be added at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing.Â
To register for public comment at a hearing, please send a request to DOT.TRA@dot.nm.gov and indicate the case name and number, your name, and whether you wish to submit oral or written public comment at the hearing. Once your request is received by the Transportation Adjudication Unit, you will receive instructions on the process to submit your comments.
April 2025
Transportation Adjudication Hearing
Transportation Adjudication Hearing
Case Name: In the Matter of the Application of Hope Medical Transport, LLC for Certificate to Provide Non-Emergency Medical Transport Service
*Â YouTube links will be added at least 24 hours prior to the ...
May 2025
Transportation Adjudication Hearing
Transportation Adjudication Hearing
Case Name: In the Matter of the Application of EP Medical Transport, LLC for a Certificate To Provide Ambulance Service
*Â YouTube links will be added at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing.Â
Transportation Adjudication Hearing
Transportation Adjudication Hearing
Case Name: In the matter of the Application of Elite Medical Transport, LLC for Amendment Of Certificate No. 5411 to Provide Ambulance Service
*Â YouTube links will be added at least 24 hours prior to the...