REQUEST FOR INPUT – US 84 Canjilon Bridge Replacement, CN 5101520
The New Mexico Department of Transportation invites Public Input on the proposed US 84 Bridge Replacement project, located just west of the entrance to Ghost Ranch, at milepost 225, in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. The purpose of the project is to replace the US 84 bridge over the Canjilon Creek on US 84, to address structurally inadequacies and correct current substandard bridge deck thickness and width. The proposed bridge will have 12-foot driving lanes with a 6-foot shoulder on each side. The bridge will be reconstructed on the existing roadway alignment and therefore a temporary bridge will be built to serve traffic during construction and avoid the need for detours.
To request assistance with language translation or ADA accommodations, please contact John Taschek at (505) 980-0993.

Share your thoughts on the proposed bridge replacement and issues of importance and concern with our team between September 23, 2024, and October 21, 2024. You can provide comments by email, phone, mail, or the online comment form below.
Mail: Attn: US 84 Canjilon Ck Bridge
C/O Barr Engineering Co.
320 Osuna Road NE, Suite C-1
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Call: 505-980-0993
Online Comment Form-US 84 Canjilon Creek Bridge Replacement, CN 5101520
CN 5101520