NMDOT Public Involvement Trainings (Internal NMDOT Staff)

NMDOT Public Involvement Trainings (Internal NMDOT Staff)

WHEN:  Tuesday, Feb. 18: 12:30 – 4:30 pm
WHERE:  750 N. Solano Dr. (Solano Room), Las Cruces

The New Mexico Department of Transportation is hosting training workshops for NMDOT team members to sharpen their public involvement skills. The 4-hour workshop will include a presentation, small group activities, group discussions, and more. After the session, you’ll walk away with a better understanding of how to successfully engage and inform your community when it comes to transportation projects. You will be exposed to NMDOT’s requirements and standards for public involvement.

Visit the Public Involvement Portal and Toolbox to RSVP and learn more about NMDOT’s efforts to enhance public engagement throughout New Mexico. You can also RSVP by responding to this email (nick.fazio@wsp.com) with the session you plan to attend.

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