Transportation Performance Management Program
There are many aspects to Performance Management which include providing reports to the Cabinet Secretary, State Transportation Commission, FHWA, Department of Finance and Administration and the Legislative Finance Committee.
As a new requirement of 23 CFR 490, NMDOT is required to set performance targets for 17 national measures. The areas in which NMDOT must report on performance are; Safety, Pavement and Bridge Condition; and System Performance. This section is responsible for coordinating NMDOTs reporting to FHWA through the performance management form based on the timeframes identified by FHWA. In addition, coordination of performance measures for the annual state budgeting process is also required as well as coordinating Strategic Planning for NMDOT and providing the Strategic Plan as part of the annual state budget submittal. National Performance requirements for states and MPOs is codified in 23 CFR 490. State DOTs and MPOs establish performance targets based on those rules. Tables with targets for three federally mandated performance measure topics are linked below, and include both NMDOT and MPO targets:
Virginia Rae Stubella, TPM Manager