NMDOT Announces 2024 Winners for Snowplow Naming Contest
SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) is beyond excited to announce the names submitted and picked by the public for our first ever snowplow naming contest!
New Mexicans did not disappoint with 23,261 votes cast, below are the official results!!!
and the Winners are…
2024 Winners
Sleetwood Mac (District 1)
Snowplowpilla (District 1)
Billy the Skid (District 2)
That’s All Slick (District 2)
Better Call Salt (District 3)
Darth Blader (District 3)
EE, I Snow, huh? (District 4)
Walter Whiteout (District 4)
Snowzobra (District 5)
Bisc-Snow-Chito (District 5)
Ctrl-Salt-Delete (District 6)
Mr. Snow It All (District 6)

We depend on our fleet to serve our communities and make the roads safer for the traveling public and we are excited to give our trucks some awesome names! Look for these snowplow trucks across the state of NM, plowing snow, dropping salt, and ensuring safe roadways for the traveling public.
Don’t forget, Don’t crowd the plow!
THANK YOU to our Amazing residents for the most creative and fun names and for voting in this fun and engaging campaign!