New Mexico DOT Park and Ride – Most Frequently Asked Questions
New Mexico DOT Park and Ride
What is the New Mexico DOT Park and Ride?
It is an intercity bus service managed by the New Mexico Department of Transportation. Operation of the service is contracted out to a vendor. The service is designed for the general public to go from one city to another for work, school, business, appointments, shopping, or other purposes during the morning and afternoon rush hours.
Where does NMDOT Park and Ride go?
There are six routes in North Central New Mexico, including the South Capitol Station Shuttle, NM 599 Station Shuttle, National Guard/Corrections Shuttle, and Anaya Complex Shuttle, and two in Southern New Mexico.
Each route is color coded:
Northern: Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Orange
Southern: Gold, Silver
Santa Fe Shuttles: South Capital, NM 599, National Guard/Corrections, Anaya Complex
Can anyone ride the Park and Ride bus?
Yes. Park and Ride is open to the public and all vehicles are ADA equipped. However, there are restrictions on unaccompanied minors.
What is the policy on unaccompanied minors?
Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a parent or other guardian who is 18 or older. Those children do not pay a fare.
What are the days and hours of service?
NM Park and Ride service is available Monday thru Friday except on State holidays. Buses operate from 5:00am to 10:00 am and from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Customer service is available Monday thru Friday from 4:30am to 8:00pm. South Capitol Station Shuttle service is available from 5:30am to 9:30pm. NM 599 Station Shuttle service is available from 5:30am to 9:30pm. Please call 866-551-RIDE (7433) or 505-424-1110..
Click on the Northern Park and Ride schedule or Gold/Silver Route schedule to see the entire departure and arrival times for each route.
Can I bring a bicycle?
Yes. Each bus is equipped with a storage area or bicycle rack.
What is the fare?
One-way fare is $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, or $6.00 per person depending on the route and must be in exact change. A frequent rider may purchase a monthly route pass online or using the Token Transit app for unlimited travel on a particular route. A $150 system pass allows unlimited travel on all routes or a combination of routes, as well as on NM Rail Runner Express. While a monthly pass can be transferred between individuals, it is prohibited to use a monthly pass for more than the route assigned, unless the systemwide monthly pass is utilized.
Are pets allowed on NM Park and Ride?
No. Only registered service animals are allowed in the passenger section of the Park and Ride buses. However, if you would like to cage your pet we will be happy to place it in the luggage compartment.
Where do I board the bus?
There are designated parking lots and pick up/drop off locations in each city served.
Do I have to pay for parking?
There is no charge for parking in an NM Park and Ride lot.
Do I have to make a reservation?
No. Seats are available on a first come first served basis. Possession of a monthly pass (available online or through the Token Transit app) does not guarantee that a seat will be available.
Where can I purchase a monthly pass?
You may purchase your monthly pass on-line (click here), download the Token Transit app, or you may purchase your monthly pass at these locations in your area.
Are other bus services available to get me from a drop off to where I need to go?
All routes into Santa Fe connect with the Santa Fe Trails Routes #2 and #4 at the South Capitol Station. Santa Fe Trails honors a New Mexico Park and Ride monthly pass if used during the peak hours (listed above) on Monday through Friday.
The South Capitol Station Shuttle runs from the South Capitol Station in Santa Fe to additional locations in the city.
For information on all connecting transit services to NM Park and Ride and NM Rail Runner Express from the South Capitol Station, click here.
Who funds New Mexico Park and Ride?
Funding comes from the State of New Mexico, the USDOT Federal Transit Administration, passenger fares, and advertising.