I-25 Bobby Foster and Mesa del Sol Interchange Study
from Milepost 215 to 220.5 in Albuquerque, New MexicoNMDOT Control No. A302360

The NMDOT is currently conducting a Phase 1-A/B Alignment Study for Interstate 25 between the Rio Grande Bridges and Sunport Boulevard on the south side of Albuquerque, New Mexico in Bernalillo County referred to as the Mesa del Sol/Bobby Foster Road Interchanges Study (Study). The goal of the Study is to identify, evaluate, and determine overall future improvements needed for the I-25 corridor in this section of the interstate to address current congestion and enhance the capacity, safety, and access along this segment of the interstate highway. The study will develop and evaluate alternatives and preliminary design for transportation network improvements including, but not limited to, new interchanges at Bobby Foster Rd. and Mesa del Sol Blvd. to accommodate current and future development in the area. Supporting the alternatives development and evaluations, additional analyses will be completed for the associated intersections at Broadway Blvd. (NM 47) to the west and Los Picaros Rd. to the east. Also under consideration will be the integration of auxiliary lanes along I-25 between the interchanges with NM 47 and Rio Bravo (NM 500).
The purpose of the study is to determine what improvements if any, can be made. The study will include a detailed evaluation of existing conditions that look at nearby roadways and intersections, traffic volumes, traffic operations, existing bridge conditions, drainage conditions, preliminary right-of-way requirements, and environmental conditions. Environmental documentation will be conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Existing Conditions and Project Need:
- Lack direct access to I-25 for the much of the South Valley and Mesa del Sol
- Lack of redundancy in the transportation network
- Anticipated future increase in traffic congestion due to a lack of capacity of key existing network roadways and intersections.
- Lack of bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
District 3
STIP Number
Study and Design
Munaf Alaloosi, PE
Project Development Engineer
We apologize for any confusion.
The November public meeting had to be postponed. Check back for updates on how you can stay involved!

Mesa del Sol/Bobby Foster Interchange Public Involvement Plan
July 2022
Mesa del Sol/Bobby Foster Public Meeting Flyer
October 2022