Construction Starts, January 6

Santa Fe, NM – New Mexico Department of Transportation, in collaboration with Weil Construction, Inc. will begin construction on a $20M investment project at the Rattlesnake Rest Area, located on Interstate 40 (eastbound and westbound), mile marker 207 to 208 in Torrance County.  The rest area will be closed beginning Monday, January 6 and is expected to last 300 calendar days, reopening at the end of 2025.

The $20M project will include reconstruction of the existing rest areas on the eastbound and westbound side of I-40 including:

  • Demolition of the old facility.
  • Construction of new 2,850 SF restroom facilities.
  • Rehabilitate Picnic Shelters.
  • Passenger and truck parking.
  • Upgraded water and sewer system.

For the latest updates, please visit the New Mexico Department of Transportation website at or call 511.