Expect closures and minor delays

MILAN – The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) District Six along Brasier Asphalt (Contractor) will continue road work of NM 4 between San Ysidro and Jemez Pueblo.

Work began on the southern section of the corridor at mile marker 0.0 (San Ysidro) and will continue north to mile marker 6.0 (Jemez Pueblo). This is a pilot car operation as one lane will be closed for 1 mile through the construction zone.

The contractor’s work hours will be 7:00a.m. to 4:00pm p.m. Monday through Saturday. Drivers should expect delays and plan travel accordingly. All work is expected to be complete by October 25, 2024, depending on the weather.

The New Mexico Department of Transportation is committed to the safety of the traveling public and appreciates your cooperation during all road work. For current road conditions, please visit NMRoads.com or call 511.