NMDOT partnership provides safe rides home Super Bowl Sunday
Celebrate responsibly ‘Take a Ride on Us’
ALBUQUERQUE – The New Mexico Department of Transportation and its partners are promoting a safe ride home program to combat drunk driving in New Mexico.
Since 2017, NMDOT in partnership with Bernalillo County, the city of Albuquerque, Cumulus radio stations and Uber have provided nearly 26,000 safe rides home by supporting the “Take a Ride on Us” program for people living in the Bernalillo County metro area. In 2022, 4,500 rides were provided.
During Super Bowl Sunday, the program is offering 800 rides for people living in and around the Albuquerque metro area, an Uber credit of up to $10, two rides per person beginning Sunday, Feb 12 at 10 a.m. until Monday, Feb. 13 at 2 a.m.
Participants will access the credit through the Uber app using the code: SUPER23. The code is now available for download.
Tips are not included, and refunds are not provided for trips costing less than the $10 credit. The code is also not valid for use with Uber Eats.
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