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I-40 Milepost 35 Drainage Improvement Project, CN 6101154

Following a multi-year study, the New Mexico Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, is planning to perform drainage improvements along I-40 and NM 118 about 14 miles east of Gallup in McKinley County, New Mexico.  The project aims to reduce flooding and overtopping of the roadways.  Work will involve the replacement […]

Public Meeting for the I-25 S-Curve Area Study, CN A302370

CNM Smith Brasher Hall 717 University Blvd SE, Albuquerque

The NMDOT is hosting the third public meeting for the I-25 S-Curve Area Study. The I-25 S-Curve Area Study is evaluating transportation solutions to improve safety and mobility while reducing impacts on the community. At the public meeting, the team will share what we heard during the previous comment period, the no-build and build design […]