Transportation Pooled Fund Studies (TPF) can help provide useful research for mutual transportation interests or problems regionally or nationally. A research project that is too large and expensive for one state to fund may be funded by several states pooling their funds together.
TPF Studies
TPF studies must be led by either a State DOT or the FHWA. Within these agencies, specific individuals are authorized to post a solicitation on the TPF website, Typically, the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Research Advisory Committee (RAC) member in a State DOT is authorized to post a solicitation on behalf of their agency; while FHWA Program Offices or the TPF Program Manager are authorized to post project solicitations on behalf of the FHWA.
Transportation Pooled Fund studies
5(343) MASH/Roadside Safety
5(445) Design Guidelines and Mitigation Strategies for Reducing Sedimentation of Multi-Barrel Culverts
5(465) Consortium for Asphalt Pavement Research and Implementation (CAPRI)
5(464) Hydrologic and Hydraulic Software Enhancements (SMS, WMS, Hydraulic Toolbox, and HY-8)
5(451) Road Usage Charge (RUC) America
5(385) Pavement Structural Evaluation with Traffic Speed Deflection Devices (TSDDs)
5(520) Improving Traffic Detection Through New Innovative i-LST Technology Demonstration Pilot
5(526) Western Transportation Research Consortium
5(447) Traffic Control Device Consortium
5(486) Center for the Aging Infrastructure: Steel Bridge Research, Inspection, Training and Education Engineering Center – SBRITE (Continuation)
5(517) Performance Center Concrete Construction
Angelo Armijo
Staff Manager, Research & Climate Bureau
7500B Pan American Fwy NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Research & Climate Bureau NMDOT